Our classes are designed to give all children from ages 6weeks to 6 years age specific educational programs that help children learn and grow to be active members of their community. We do this in the following ways:
​0 to 3-Year-Old Nemo Class
Our infants are learning about themselves and how their body works through movement and texture. They are also learning about how to interact with their friends and how to communicate with those around them. We expose these children to a range of animals, colors, shapes, numbers, and letters so as they get older, they can learn how to label these.
The most important part of our infants’ class is relationships between our educators, children, and families. We follow children’s individual routines and communicate consistently with families to ensure consistency of care between home and school including close trusting relationships at the forefront.
Our toddlers are beginning to learn about being a part of a group. This is the age where the development of social skills is so important as this is the age, they are working out it is not all about them. How to make friends, share and communicate are the primary skills we help children to learn. We also accelerate the focus on letters, numbers, colours and shapes as the children’s receptive and expressive language develops, they are able to label these and connect them to their world. Toddlers are also getting ever competent in their motor skills and opportunities are given to extend on their fundamental movement skills as well as fine-motor abilities.
3 to 5-Year-Old Shrek Class
Our preschoolers begin to focus more clearly on skills they need to get ready for school. Our educators ensure children focus on social skills such as listening, concentration, making friends and independence as these are necessary for a successful transition to primary school. To give the children the best possible start once they do reach primary school, we also teach pre-reading skills such as phonics and comprehension, writing skills such as their names and dates, pre-math skills such as measurement, counting, matching and pattern, and other key learning areas in science, community, creative arts and geography.
In the two terms prior to children transitioning to primary school, we accelerate this learning in our ‘School Readiness Program’. This involves a session every day that simulates a primary school class and involves focused activities in one or more key learning area. It also includes concepts outside of the classroom such as library, handling lunch boxes and uniforms.
Cultural respect and learning about those cultures in our school community and wider community is crucial to our program. This involves integrating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander words, art, music, books, and respect into our program as well as language, dress, stories, celebrations, foods and customs of children and their families.
The most important thing we do here at Kindi World is work with all our families to help families and children feel comfortable in our care and to involve families in our program to ensure it’s success.