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Our Meals 


Our Centre provides breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, and late afternoon snack for all children. The meals are delivered daily by Kids Gourmet Food and are healthy, nutritionally balanced as well as culturally appropriate.  



Water, milk, and food is always offered regularly and available throughout the day. The weekly menu is displayed in the foyer area as well as published on our parent app. Information about the children’s food and drink intake is recorded on their Daily Record Sheet. 



Child's dietary requirements 

Please discuss any specific instructions or requests regarding your child’s dietary requirements, particularly allergies, intolerances or religious requests with the Director or Licensee upon enrolment so that this need can be accommodated. Kindi World Child Care has a ‘nut free’ environment so therefore please ensure that your children do not bring anything to the centre that contains traces of nuts. 



Mealtimes are pleasant occasions. Educators sit with small groups of children during meals, talk with them and encourage conversation between children. 

Children are encouraged to taste or try different food, but never coerced to eat. Toddlers and pre-schoolers are encouraged to serve and feed themselves. Chairs, tables and eating utensils are suitable for the developmental levels of the children. 



Infants are held while being bottle fed in a warm and affectionate manner. Babies are introduced to food in consultation with parent. 



(Refer to the ‘Nutrition Policy’ in the Centre’s Policies and Procedures Folders.) 

Drinking Milk
Red Apples
Eating Cereal
Sliced Watermelon
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